Monthly Archives: August 2024

Turning a parasite into a brain healer

Israeli scientists from Tel Aviv and Glasgow Universities have engineered the parasite Toxoplasma gondii to deliver protein-based medical treatments through the blood-brain barrier. Their example delivered the protein MeCP2, to remedy a deficiency associated with Rett syndrome.

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50 blood infusers donated

Harvard University Business Professor Regina Herzlinger has donated 50 life-saving blood infuser devices to about 20 Israeli hospitals and trauma centers. They replace blood lost during hemorrhaging and are especially crucial in the treatment of those wounded in the current … Continue reading

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Making US hospital treatment more affordable

Israel’s PayZen has developed a fintech platform that allows hospitals to receive payment in advance for medical treatment invoices, thereby enabling US patients to benefit from interest-free payment plans without additional costs for their medical care.

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Going beyond

Israel’s Dr. Linda Rubinstein moved from NASA to Sheba Medical Center and from Outer Space research to Inner space research. Her work focuses on mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouse). Stopping it from aging could contribute to the eradication of brain diseases … Continue reading

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Better chances for fertility treatment

Israel’s BAIBYS uses Machine Vision (MV) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to select the best quality sperm for IVF success. It autonomously selects and collects the sperm to microinject into the egg. It uses high magnification and morphology (shape, structure, size, … Continue reading

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Proven to prevent pre-term deaths

Recent trials of the Lioness device developed by Israel’s PregnanTech showed a high rate of full-term births among women at high risk of pre-term birth. A US trial next year is planned, to help the company obtain FDA approval. … Continue reading

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Smartwatch software monitors stress levels

The NeuroSpeed AI analysis software from Israel’s NeuroBrave uses the photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor on the back of a smartwatch to measure he length of time between heartbeats. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a good indicator of overall mental health.

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Step sensor measures brain disease progression

Researchers in Tel Aviv have developed a wearable step sensor to monitor the wellbeing of the elderly and patients with cognitive decline or neurological diseases. Reductions in step length are important indicators for assessing patients with Parkinson’s, MS, etc.

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New bullet-proof ambulances

The Israeli Police has inaugurated its first bullet-proof ambulances. They will enhance the safety of search and rescue forces, particularly in high-risk areas. They were funded and supported by non-profits Israel Friends and Let’s Do Something (LDS) which have both … Continue reading

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New Torah scroll dedicated to the hostages

Hundreds gathered in Jerusalem for a ceremony celebrating the completion of a Torah scroll dedicated to the hostages still held in Gaza. The event was led by the parents of hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin and the scroll will be used at … Continue reading

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