Say it, do it

Israel’s Voiceitt (see previously) has just launched Voiceitt for Chrome. Voice-impaired users can dictate into their browser to convert garbled speech into text for emails, Google Workplace, Google Classroom, and blogs, plus message services like Slack or Discord, and much more.

Peace delegation from Morocco

Two dozen Moroccan social-media influencers and young professionals from the Muslim delegation in the Holy Land are on a week-long visit to Israel, organized by the Sharaka NGO (see previously). They are seeing a different view from the “Al Jazeera” narrative they get in Morocco.

Welcoming diplomats to Israel

Israel’s President Isaac Herzog received the diplomatic credentials of new ambassadors to Israel from Italy, Japan, and Peru, all wearing the yellow ribbon symbol supporting the kidnapped hostages. The President also warmly greeted the new ambassadors of Kazakhstan and Kenya.

Winning the hearts & minds of GenZ

The Israeli non-profit TalkIsrael (see previously) is training the next generation of social media content creators to develop high-quality content that can shine a more positive view of Israel and life inside the country. TalkIsrael’s content already has had 5 million views.

Jerusalem Youth Chorus

Jerusalem’s inclusive choir of Israelis and Palestinian Arabs wowed the jury on America’s Got  Talent.

Special class receive their BA degrees

The six Israeli Intellectually Disabled (ID) students that achieved the necessary academic BA qualifications last year (see previously) have just formally received their Multidisciplinary degrees in a ceremony at Bar-Ilan University.

Street doctors

Street Medicine Tel Aviv (SMTA) comprises 50 volunteer medics who treat the homeless of Tel Aviv. 95% are citizens with medical insurance but lack ID, a phone to make appointments, or money to buy medicines. SMTA breaks the stigma on twice-weekly rounds, applying antibiotics, bandages, stitches and more.

Combatting slavery

Israel’s ThetaRay (see previously) with global bank Santander, received the “Best Use of Data for Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Detection” award at London’s Digital Transformation Awards. ThetaRay’s system alerted Santander to potential human trafficking networks.

Combatting money-laundering

In 2023 Israel’s BioCatch (see previously) identified and helped banks shut down more than 150,000 mule bank accounts in the Asia-Pacific region. Criminals use mule accounts as intermediate stops between the victim’s account and where they withdraw money from.

Marching for hostages in NYC

Every Shabbat afternoon since Nov. 4, pro-Israel Manhattan residents have marched for about 45 minutes carrying signs drawing attention to the hostages whom Hamas holds in the Gaza Strip. New York’s Jewish community cannot rest - even on the Day of Rest.