The world’s smallest underground railway

The UK’s Express news site featured Haifa’s 1959 Carmelit subway, the oldest underground transit system in the Middle East and the smallest in the world, having only four cars and six stations for just over 1.1 miles. It descends Mount Carmel – a height of 274 meters.

Showcasing the “real” Israel

Philanthropist Sylvan Adams is promoting the “real Israel” to the world. His new business cards say “self-appointed ‘Ambassador of Israel’”. He aims to project Israel to the silent majority who don’t know Israel but get a negative impression from the media. Please forward my newsletter to him.

US-Israel friendship group

Israeli and American political leaders have inaugurated the House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group, the newest body aimed at deepening ties between the two countries. Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana said, the relationship between the two countries "transcends parties and administrations”.

Study at the Technion in English

Following Oct 7, many university campuses in the US and UK no longer are safe for Jews. Israel’s Technion Institute enables Jews from around the world to come to Israel to study in English at the undergraduate and graduate level, and to strengthen the ties between Israel and the diaspora.

Arab Professor wins biomedical prize

Muslim Arab Professor Ashraf Brik of Israel’s Technion Institute was featured back in 2013. He has just been awarded the 2024 Rappaport Prize for Biomedical Research for his work on protein mechanisms that can lead to treatments for diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s.

A new children’s center in Jerusalem

Israeli charity Yad Ezra V’Shulamit has purchased a new building for their Jerusalem Children’s Center. They are renovating it and will soon be able to double to 200 the number of impoverished kids that they can give daily hot lunches, tutoring, therapies, and fun.

A combat unit for religious women

The IDF is creating a new all-female combat unit for religious women soldiers. The unit will be part of the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps and the women enrolled will receive spiritual support and guidance. Rabbi Ohad Teharlev, head of Midreshet Lindenbaum, will supervise the unit.

Germany’s new citizenship law

The country’s new citizenship law goes into effect, requiring those applying for a passport to affirm they believe that Israel has a right to exist. It is part of an overhaul to emphasize German values and protect Jewish life in the country.

Israeli universities receive redirected $5 million donation

US donor David Magerman is giving $1 million to five Israeli institutions, including Israel’s Technion Institute, Bar-Ilan University, and the Jerusalem College of Technology. He halted his donations to the University of Pennsylvania due to its handling of antisemitism.

Argentinian ambassador is a Rabbi

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz welcomed Argentina’s incoming ambassador, Rabbi Shimon “Axel” Wahnish, to Jerusalem. He noted that under the leadership of Argentina’s President Javier Milei, the relationship between the two nations will reach new heights.