Monthly Archives: May 2024

Healthier fish

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have proved that breeding disease-resistant carp can make fish farming more sustainable and profitable. It can even keep non-resistant fish healthier. The study bred fish with built-in immunity to the common cyrpinid herpes … Continue reading

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European project to cure muscular dystrophy

Technion Professor Shenhav Shemer has joined DREAMS ((Drug REpurposing and Artificial intelligence for Muscular disorderS), a European Union-funded project to discover treatments for rare neuromuscular disorders such as muscular dystrophy, suffered by some 400,000.

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AI for mental health care

A new platform, called LIV, developed at Israel’s Sheba Hospital in the wake of Oct 7, streamlines intake of patients for mental healthcare. LIV’s GenAI (generative artificial intelligence) “converses” with a prospective patient to generate possible diagnoses and treatment recommendations. … Continue reading

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Using AI in neurological therapy

Tel Aviv’s Sourasky (Ichilov) Medical Center has partnered with Israel’s NeuroBrave to develop brain-computer interface (BCI) solutions for both complex neurological conditions and patient care. One example is to translate a non-communicative patient’s brainwaves into speech.

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We saw a miracle

Many Israelis were awe-struck by the amazing 99% interception rate of Iran’s 300+ drone and missile attack on 13 / 14 Apr.  It was certainly an opportunity to give thanks.

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Thanking our friends

Some non-Israeli whose post Oct 7 support for Israel has been no less than heroic. This article thanks Douglas Murray, Sen John Fetterman, Rep Mike Johnson, Rep Richie Torres, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Sid Rosenberg, Floyd Mayweather, John Spencer, Richard Kemp, … Continue reading

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$150 billion

An Israeli Arab purchased the entire stock of chametz (leavened products) owned by the State of Israel before the start of Passover. The chametz value was $150 billion, but Hussein Jabar only had to pay a NIS 20,000 deposit. He … Continue reading

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Thousands receive priestly blessings

According to the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which administers the holy site, more than 30,000 people came to the Kotel in Jerusalem for the morning priestly blessings on Apr 25 – one of the intermediate days of the festival of … Continue reading

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Help discover history

The Temple Mount Sifting Project’s latest 1st century BCE finds include clay tokens probably used on Passover. The project runs out of funds in June. Please support them, or sign up to join the sifting.

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122 orphans have Bar Mitzvah at the Kotel

Thanks to Colel Chabad, 122 Israeli orphans celebrated their Bar Mitzvah together at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Each boy received his own set of tefillin (phylacteries) as well as new clothing and afterwards enjoyed a gala celebration in Jerusalem’s … Continue reading

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