Monthly Archives: June 2016

Israeli herb extract controls blood sugar levels

Israel’s Frutarom has developed Portusana®, an extract of the herb purslane.  Israeli scientists have confirmed its positive effects on blood sugar levels in adults with Type 2 Diabetes.

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Autoimmune treatment gets new lease of life

Professor Nathan Karin of the Rappaport faculty of Medicine at Israel’s Technion Institute invented an antibody that activates cells in the immune system, thereby reducing inflammation. After years of development, Pfizer has now signed an agreement to commercialize the product. … Continue reading

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US boost for proton beam cancer treatment

Israel’s HIL Applied Medical develops safer focused proton beam lasers to treat tumors (see Sep 2014 newsletter) Now HIL has acquired US company Nanolabz which develops and builds smart nano-engineered targets and alignment systems for the short-pulse laser R&D sector. … Continue reading

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Research into 3D organ printing

Israel’s Chief Scientist has awarded NIS 5.6 million to Israel’s Collplant.  It will help finance projects, including the development of plant-based collagen and formulations intended for use as BioInk for 3D printing of tissues and organs.

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State of the Heart conference

International researchers and healthcare professionals attended a conference dubbed “State of the Heart.” at Haifa’s Rambam Hospital. It addressed global challenges in cardiovascular treatment and highlighted innovative changes in the field as a result of cutting-edge technology.

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Medical tourism showcased in China

The Israel Chamber of Commerce hosted a special seminar titled Israeli Medical Tourism and Women Empowerment at the Israeli Business and Cultural Center in Beijing.  China is impressed with Israel’s physicians, its high-quality healthcare, and advanced medical facilities.

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Israel’s BioMed Conference

Israel’s NeuroRx won the startup completion at the IATI Biomed conference in Tel Aviv for its Cuclurad treatment for depression and suicide symptoms.  The popular event included some 500 Business to Business meetings between Israeli and Chinese delegates.

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