Monthly Archives: June 2016

Romania signs two water contracts

Romania’s largest water corporation, RAJA Constanta, signed a contract of cooperation with Jerusalem’s Hagihon.  RAJA also signed a service contract with Israeli company Utilis, which uses satellite imagery technology to detect underground wastewater spills. (See also here and here)

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Translating more in the USA

Israel’s One Hour Translation (OHT) has opened its third US branch, in Lehi, Utah, in addition to its US operations in Palo Alto and Washington DC.  OHT provides high-quality human translation of 75 languages and 3,000 language pairs with 15,000+ … Continue reading

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Tel Aviv to New York with Azerbaijan Airlines

Azerbaijan Airlines has begun weekly Tel Aviv-New York flights. From June 15, this will increase to two weekly flights on Sundays and Wednesdays, which will include a two-hour stopover in Baku.

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Tel Aviv tests an electric road

A road in North Tel Aviv is to be one of the first to test under-the-road electric charging beds. Israel’s ElectRoad’s technology will charge electric cars and buses when they drive over it.

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Low-power wearable sensors

Israel’s Sensifree has developed a unique low-power RF based sensor technology that can accurately monitor biometric data without touching the body.  Applications include watches, fitness trackers, sleep monitors and smart clothing.  Sensifree has just raised $5 million of funding. … Continue reading

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RideOn wins Israel startup Olympics

Israel’s RideOn has been selected to represent Israel in the grand Olympic startups final in Rio 2016.  RideOn develops augmented reality (AR) products for sports and outdoor activities (see previously).  In the finals, RideOn will compete against seven international winners. … Continue reading

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New Israeli islands?

The Herzliya municipality is looking to build two artificial islands along Israel’s coastline. One island will be for housing and the other for an airport for internal flights. Tel Aviv is also preparing plans for an island on which to … Continue reading

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The world’s toughest smartphone

Following over two years of R&D in Tel Aviv and Sweden, Sirin Labs has unveiled its NIS 54,000 military-grade “unhackable” security smartphone. Called SOLARIN it is made up of over 2,500 inner components to achieve fast, seamless connectivity across any … Continue reading

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US-Israel link up with eco-technology

The 31st US-Israel Joint Economic Development Group focused on the use of clean energy to solve some of the most difficult global challenges.  The US Department of State and Israel’s Economy Ministry and Environmental Protection Ministry, agreed to explore the … Continue reading

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Aid to Sri Lankan flood victims

Israel has sent $20,000 worth of supplies to Sri Lanka, following recent floods and landslides that have killed over 100 and driven 650,000 residents from their homes.  Israeli aid included water pumps, water filters, solar lighting kits, LED torches and … Continue reading

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