Search Results for: memed

Adapting virus test for Covid-19

Israel’s MeMed (reported here previously) identifies whether an infection is viral or bacterial. MeMed is now working with hospitals in Israel, the Netherlands and elsewhere to identify Covid-19 patients and the potential severity of the infection.

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More Euro funding for virus / bacteria test

The European Innovation Council has just added 2.5 million Euros to international funds that Israel’s MeMed previously received (see here) to roll out its test that distinguishes between a virus and a bacteria. Very timely for World Antibiotic Awareness Week … Continue reading

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WEF Pioneers for 2019

The World Economic Forum (WEF) choose Israeli startups Airobotics, MeMed Diagnostics, QED-it and TIPA for its list of tech pioneers using innovation to address serious issues. I’ve reported previously on three of them. QED-IT allows confidential transfer of blockchain assets. … Continue reading

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Reducing overuse of antibiotics

I reported previously (see here) on Israel’s MeMed which has developed ImmunoXpert – a fast test to determine whether an infection is bacterial or virus. ImmunoXpert is now EU approved and a recent study shows it can reduce unnecessary antibiotic … Continue reading

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Pentagon funds Israeli infection test system

The US Department of Defense has awarded a $9.2 million contract to Israel’s MeMed to help it complete its pioneering platform for distinguishing bacterial from viral infections. MeMed (see here) had already received a 2.3 million Euro grant from the … Continue reading

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Europe funds Israeli blood test for viruses and bacteria

The UN has prioritized fighting antibiotic resistance. Meanwhile, the European Commission has granted 2.3 million Euros to Israeli biotech MeMed to help develop its fast blood test that distinguishes between bacterial and viral infections – and thus significantly reduces the … Continue reading

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Flying car completes first untethered test flight

The Air Mule from Israel’s Tactical Robotics has successfully completed its first autonomous, untethered flight at Israel’s Megiddo airfield.

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Bacteria or virus

Israel’s MeMed has discovered a protein in blood called TRAIL that dramatically increases in patients infected with viruses but decreases in bacterial infections. It has developed proprietary algorithms and a blood test called ImmunoXpert that could save hundreds of thousands … Continue reading

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