Search Results for: "REE Automotive"

REE is a gamechanger

Israel’s REE Automotive (reported here previously) has won Bloomberg’s 2020 BNEF Pioneer award. REE was named as one of ten game-changing companies, for its breakthrough wheel arch that incorporates most of a vehicle’s systems.,7340,L-3839660,00.html

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Toyota likes new Israeli wheels

As reported previously (14th July) Israel’s REE Automotive enables a vehicle’s drive components to be fully integrated into a wheel, known as a FlatFormer, improving stability, space and energy efficiency.  Toyota Group’s truck subsidiary Hino Motors is now using REE’s … Continue reading

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Reinventing the wheel for electric cars

Israeli startup REE Automotive has designed a new flat and modular chassis for electric cars of the future. The motor, steering, suspension, drivetrain, sensors, brakes, thermal systems and electronics are now in the wheels, lowering the center of gravity, increasing … Continue reading

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