Search Results for: turn waste energy

Turning carbon waste into gas for energy

Scientists at Israel’s Ben Gurion University have developed a technology to turn carbon-containing waste into gas, including hydrogen and methane that can be burnt to produce energy. The process involves heated and pressurized water that decomposes organic matter.

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Turning agricultural waste into energy

Israel’s Doral Energy is teaming up with Kibbutz Lahav to build a facility to generate energy from organic waste and animal waste from local kibbutzim. There are 14 Israeli projects at varying stages to generate electricity from waste, 3 in … Continue reading

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Turning waste into energy in North Carolina

Israel’s Bluesphere is to construct a 5.2-megawatt power plant in Charlotte, North Carolina, with the fuel for the plant coming from organic waste from the city’s landfill site.

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More fuel from waste

Following last week’s article about Israel’s Co-Energy (see here) another process is being researched at Tel Aviv University. Waste is superheated and catalysts are used to separate it into biofuel and a solid biochar that can be used elsewhere, while … Continue reading

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Converting waste into energy

Israel’s Co-Energy turns plastic and organic waste into energy. No waste pre-sorting is necessary. The process involves pyrolysis – super-heating without the use of oxygen. It turns plastic into a form of oil or gas and wood into biochar (a … Continue reading

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Converting waste into bio-fuel

Tel Aviv University researchers have developed a process to turn any wet raw waste thrown in the trash into liquid and solid bio-fuels without the need to dry the waste. It involves using solar energy to heat the waste, removing … Continue reading

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Turning organic waste into cash

The EcoDrum from Israel’s EcoCity Green takes a wide range of organic waste and converts it into marketable compost in a fast, unique, low-energy, low-cost process. It not only treats organic waste, but also helps reduce landfills which comprise 50% … Continue reading

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Energy from trash

Israel’s Zohar Cleantech has developed a compact modular waste-collection system that produces energy from the trash at the customer’s site and turns the remainder into construction material. The ZoharX system won the Arena Challenge competition, part of Herzliya Municipality’s 2030 … Continue reading

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Turning non-recyclable trash into Hydrogen

Israeli-Swedish-Polish startup Boson Energy uses Israeli technology to harvest hydrogen continuously from nonrecyclable waste and biomass. Plasma Assisted Gasification (HPAG) generates hydrogen, captures CO2, and turns residual ash into usable glass material.

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Clean water plus energy

Israel’s Agrobics (reported here previously) purifies wastewater, producing energy to power the process. Its reactor uses anaerobic bacteria Archaea to eat pollutants, clean the water and excrete biogas. It has 3 Israeli test sites and a BIRD grant to build … Continue reading

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