Search Results for: technion hydrogen

French prize for green hydrogen Professor

Technion Professor Gideon Grader has been awarded the Grand Prix Scientifique research grant by the Institut de France for developing innovative green hydrogen technology. The E-TAC process is being commercialized by Israeli startup H2Pro (see here previously).

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Hydrogen from water

Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed another innovative process to efficiently produce hydrogen from water (see here previously). It is the fastest system of its kind reported so far that operates with available metal (copper) catalysts.

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Hydrogen from water and solar energy

Researchers at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have developed the world’s first (prototype) system for the efficient and safe production of hydrogen using only solar energy.

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Hydrogen is the fuel of the future

As reported previously (1st Oct) Israeli startup H2PRO extracts Hydrogen from water to generate a cheap, non-polluting fuel.  A spin-off from Israel’s Technion, one of H2PRO’s main investors is Hyundai Motors. Here is H2PRO’s latest video.

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Startup generates Hydrogen from water

I reported previously (see here) on projects by Israel Technion scientists to extract Hydrogen from water to generate a cheap, non-polluting fuel. Now, their E-TAC (electrochemical thermally activated chemical) technology has been spun off into a new Israeli startup H2Pro. … Continue reading

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Breakthrough production of hydrogen from water

Professor Lilac Amirav of Israel’s Technion, has developed nanotechnology and solar energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen with 100% efficiency.  In time for Pesach – Moses would have been proud!

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Storing up solar power at the Technion

How do you convert solar energy into a fuel that you can use when there is no sun? A project team at Israel’s Technion is developing a solution that traps the energy as light in solar cells and then uses … Continue reading

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Aiming for energy independence

The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP) at Israel’s Technion Institute is educating scientists dedicated to Israel’s energy security and independence. It has already generated breakthroughs in fuel cells and advanced batteries, green hydrogen, water energy, renewables, and more.

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A better water splitter

A detailed scientific paper describing the efficient method devised by Technion Prof Avner Rothchild and his team to split water into “green” hydrogen and oxygen. It involves using Bromine in the Decoupled Water Electrolysis (DWE) process. See here for Technion’s … Continue reading

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Prize-winning climate-tech researchers

In addition to startup winners of the Climate Solutions Prize, three Israeli scientists won awards. They were Technion’s Prof Avner Rothchild (green hydrogen), BGU’s Prof. Itzhak Mizrahi (reducing methane from animals), and Bar-Ilan’s Prof. Malachi Noked (sodium ion batteries). … Continue reading

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