Search Results for: aiola

The best speech to text

Israel’s aiOla (see here previously) won the “Best Speech to Text Solution” award at the annual AI Breakthrough Awards. aiOla’s Natural Language Processing and Automatic Speech Recognition accurately interprets complex jargon, acronyms and accents in 100 languages, regardless of background … Continue reading

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Investment in Israeli startups to 22/1/23

aiOla raised $25 million; Quantum Machines raised $20 million; nsKnox raised $17.5 million; myInterview raised $11 million;

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Knowledge is power

Israel’s Aiola has developed state-of-the-art voice and image recognition combined with advanced AI models to digitize, automate, and streamline inspection processes. It also offers its technology to companies to capture, curate and share customer data from customer communications and business … Continue reading

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SAP incubates more Israeli startups

SAP.iO Foundry Tel Aviv has launched its second 12-week incubator (see here for previous). This time SAP selected seven consumer products startups. Aiola, Hexa,, Sampler, SRP, TrenDemon, and TVPage will access SAP tech support, mentors and clients. … Continue reading

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