Search Results for: Profuse

EU grant for cultivated meat startup

Israel’s Profuse Technology (see here previously) was awarded a 2.4 million euro grant from the EU’s competitive Horizon EIC Transition program. Profuse will use the funds to refine its technology that speeds up the cultivation of non-animal meat.

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Boosting cultivated meat production

Israel’s ProFuse Technology has launched ProFuse -S1 – a supplement that accelerates muscle cell development in the cultivated meat industry. In the future it could also benefit the rehabilitation of human muscle cells.

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Fast-growing non-animal meat

Israel’s ProFuse Technology (see here previously) has partnered with Estonia’s Geletax to advance cultivated meat production. Using ProFuse’s media supplement and Geletax’s plant-based scaffolds, they produced 5 times more lab-grown protein than with regular methods.

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Food-tech demo day

Israeli startups BlueTree, Bountica, Eggmented Reality, Pigmentum, ProFuse Technology, Sea2Cell, and others, starred in the recent Demo Day held by Israeli food-tech incubator Fresh Start. (energy efficiency) and Sweet Balance (natural sugar substitute) are new to this newsletter. … Continue reading

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Accidental breakthrough in cultivating meat

Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute stumbled onto a fast process for growing lab-grown meat. They found that cultivated meat grows much faster when the enzyme ERK is blocked. They have formed the Israeli startup ProFuse to take this further. … Continue reading

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FoodTech winner

Israel’s ProFuse Technology won FoodTech 2021 using Israel’s Weizmann Institute’s technology to accelerate the growth of cultured meat cells. ProFuse will receive up to $100,000 for commercial integration with Tnuva, or as an investment, and up to NIS 50,000 for … Continue reading

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