Search Results for: Ashraf brik

Arab Professor wins biomedical prize

Muslim Arab Professor Ashraf Brik of Israel’s Technion Institute was featured here back in 2013. He has just been awarded the 2024 Rappaport Prize for Biomedical Research for his work on protein mechanisms that can lead to treatments for diseases … Continue reading

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Breakthrough in protein synthesis

Arab-Israeli Professor Ashraf Brik (see here previously) of Israel’s Technion and his team have overcome a 60-year technical problem to synthesize plectasin, a peptide with promising antibiotic results against multi-resistant bacteria, and linaclotide, to treat irritable bowel syndrome.

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Israel’s first Arab Chemistry Professor

Israel’s Channel 2 recently featured (with English subtitles) the life journey of Professor Ashraf Brik of Ben Gurion University’s department of Chemistry. Winner of the Teva Award for Excellence, Professor Brik was the first member of his family to pursue … Continue reading

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