Monthly Archives: September 2024

When every second counts

Important video featuring Israel’s SeismicAI (see here previously) and its earthquake warning system. SeismicAI aims to give customers four, five, six more seconds of warning which can allow people to take cover and for automated systems to shut down sensitive … Continue reading

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Drought-tolerant watermelon

Watermelons require around 500 liters of water to grow to maturity. Israel’s Origene Seeds (see here previously) has introduced the “Essence” and “Maxima” seedless watermelon varieties, which require 30% less water – and are sweeter than regular watermelons.

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Preventing excessive fertilizer

Israel’s  Yevul Info has developed Leaf Guardian – an AI-enhanced solution designed to prevent overfertilization, environmental damage, and ensure optimal plant health. It uses cameras, sensors, and other advanced technology to spot tiny changes in the green color of the … Continue reading

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No moles here

Moles are a nuisance for lawns, gardens, organic greenhouses, crop fields, and golf courses. So the underground sound system from Israel’s Molex should be extremely attractive. Molex imitates the noises made by the presence of a mole’s preditor, repelling the … Continue reading

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See cultured chicken made and then eat it

Israel’s SuperMeat (see here previously) offered a unique opportunity for chefs and food “experts” to watch “no-chicken” chicken being cultivated in the laboratory. They then consumed it and couldn’t taste any difference to “real” chicken.

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1,000 urban trees

Israel’s TreeTube (see here previously) has implemented its innovative tree planting system in cities in Israel, The Netherlands and Estonia and has sprouted over 1,000 trees. TreeTube is one of this year’s MassChallenge Israel Early-Stage Accelerator Program winners.

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Helping companies prepare for a cyber crisis

Israel’s Cytactic helps businesses cobat cyber threats by integrating cyber crisis preparation, response management, and recovery. Focusing on readiness, coordinated management, and fast recovery mitigates the impact of crises and can avert some threats altogether.

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Vaccines to keep produce fresh

Israel’s HarvestR (see here previously) is developing vaccines that contain dsRNA (double-stranded ribonucleic acid) molecules that disrupt diseases targeting specific crops. The new technology means less use of chemical-based fungicides to keep agricultural produce fresh.

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How to make people positive about Israel

A survey of 1,000 18- to 25-year-old Americans who have never visited Israel found that 63% of them can be persuaded to view Israel more positively through engaging, visually appealing social-media content. Register here for Sep 10 webinar on how … Continue reading

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Israel and Cyprus perform 8 transplants together

A record eight kidney cross-transplant operations were performed in Israel and Cyprus in one day: five in Israel and three in Cyprus. Israel’s National Center for Transplantation has been pairing compatible patients and donors from both countries since 2019 (see … Continue reading

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