Monthly Archives: September 2024

Real-time medical translator

Current and ex-students from Israel’s Technion Institute have developed CommU – a real-time language translation platform that allows doctors to converse with patients in Hebrew, English, Arabic, Russian, and most other European languages.

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Aquatic plant is good for diabetics

An Israeli clinical trial shows that diabetics who drink a beverage with the Mankai cultivated aquatic plant after meals can reduce blood sugar levels by 20%. It confirms the results of initial tests that Israel’s Ben Gurion University scientists conducted … Continue reading

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Valve replacement startup gets approval & funds

Israel’s TruLeaf Medical has received approval from the Helsinki Committee to begin human trials of its minimally invasive Mitral Valve Replacement procedure. The Israel Innovation Authority awarded TruLeaf an additional NIS 1.5 million, to make a total of NIS 11.5 … Continue reading

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Non-invasive cancer treatment

Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed a sonodynamic cancer therapy – ultrasound that targets sensitive nanoparticles accumulated in the cancerous tissue to treat deep-seated tumors. It destroys tumors without damage to healthy cells.

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A better fish farm

Traditional aquatics uses the wastewater from fish farms to grow hydroponic vegetables. Now scientists at Israel’s Ben Gurion University have also made use of the solid waste from fish by means of anaerobic digestion. The new system produces biogas, higher … Continue reading

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Skydiving at 100

The world’s oldest journalist, Walter Bingham (see here previously), celebrated his 100th birthday by skydiving over Israel – as he had done on his 95th birthday. Before he boarded the plane he said he looked forward to “seeing the country … Continue reading

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He absorbed a bomb but didn’t give up

Amichay Shindler saved his family by absorbing a bomb planted by Hamas terrorists outside the door to their safe room. Ten months and one prosthetic hand later, it is still not clear how he is alive today. His wife Avital … Continue reading

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Voice of the people

Israeli President Herzog launches the Voice of the People initiative on Sun 15th Sep with an inaugural online symposium, featuring Israeli actress Gal Gadot. The event aims to unite Jewish voices from around the world to emphasize the resilience and … Continue reading

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Pictures of resilience

This week, the Real Jerusalem Streets stretched from Israel’s capital to Sderot to show the unity of Israelis. The Kotel (Western Wall), Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s funeral, wedding photos at the Botanical Gardens, and new buildings for the many people wanting to … Continue reading

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5-year-old survives 8-floor fall

A five-year-old girl from Kiryat Gat was released from Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon after falling eight floors and only suffering minor bruising and scratches. She had woken in the night, climbed out onto the balcony and fell into bushes, eight … Continue reading

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