Monthly Archives: September 2024

Blind grandfather presents grandsons with IDF berets

In a poignant ceremony, a visually impaired grandfather had the unique honor of presenting his grandsons, who serve in the IDF, with their hard-earned berets. Warning – video may cause excessive eye moisture!

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Bedouin girl leaves hospital

Amina Alhasoni, the 7-year-old Bedouin Muslim girl critically wounded in Iran’s April 13 missile attack on the Jewish state (see here previously) has been released from Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva. Amina underwent numerous neurosurgeries during her three months in … Continue reading

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No holiday for Hassidim

The Rebbes of the Belz and Sanz Hassidim are forgoing their vacation this year. Both sects encourage their followers to serve in the IDF. “How can I travel for rest and vacation when we are fighting a battle on all … Continue reading

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Shawarma still turning in Kiryat Shmona

The shawarma spit is still turning in Toby Abutbul’s fast-food restaurant, Baguette Shlomi in Kiryat Shmona. Toby is determined to remain in the Northern Israeli town and keep his restaurant running – a reflection of the resilience of many Israelis … Continue reading

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Soul food for the IDF

Shlomi, a former IDF soldier wounded in the Lebanon War, rises at 5 a.m. to buy the freshest ingredients for his food truck, now based at the ill-fated Nova dance party location. Shlomi  feeds 250-400 soldiers every day since the … Continue reading

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