Monthly Archives: August 2024

From Tisha b’Av to Tu b’Av

The emotional rollercoaster of the Hebrew month of Av was more noticeable this year. Positive Jerusalem events included Summer Nights at the Tower of David, the Puppet Festival, “Infinity” near the Pais Arena, Jerusalem of Gold, plus Tu b’Av itself … Continue reading

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Look what they found in the drainage channel

Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists, excavating a drainage channel in Jerusalem, have uncovered relics of life prior to the sacking of the city by Roman legions in 70 CE. A glass vial, grape pips, eggshells and ceramic lamps still with soot … Continue reading

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Reduced university tuition fees for reservists

Some 500 Tel Aviv University 1st-year students beginning their studies in the coming academic year who have served at least 30 days in the reserves since the beginning of 2024 will be entitled to a tuition discount of NIS 2,500, … Continue reading

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Helping rebuild Israeli communities

Russell Robinson, CEO of JNF USA, describes how his organization is building a community center 2km from Gaza. Self-funded volunteers on JNF-USA trips are cleaning up schools so that children can resume their studies. In the north, JNF-USA is building … Continue reading

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Thousands of American volunteers

Another article publicizing the work of volunteers from America. They include some 3,500 who came on missions organized by JNF-USA since Oct 7, helping repair, rehabilitate, and rebuild Gaza border communities and giving vital motivational support.

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Donations for Northern hospitals

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is donating $1 million to the Tzafon Medical Center (Poriya) to bolster its Trauma Unit. It is also funding $620,000 worth of new equipment and medical supplies at the Italian Hospital in … Continue reading

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Far-seeing enhancement

While regular IDF soldiers have modern weapons, reservists lacked precision scopes for their Negev guns. So, several Israeli civilians voluntarily developed the Tomer Adapter, named after Tomer Nagar – a “Negevist” who fell while bravely defending the Kissufim military post … Continue reading

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Resilience in the North

While Israeli citizens in the South are returning to their homes, many in the North have never left. The residents of this region – Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druze alike – have become the guardians of their homeland, refusing to … Continue reading

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Inspiration from Israelis returning home

On Oct 7, residents of Kibbutz Magen fought off dozens of invading Hamas terrorists (video link below). They were then evacuated to the Dead Sea, from where 90% have since returned to their Kibbutz. Their stories of resilience give strength … Continue reading

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Success for Ethiopian Israeli artist

Moshe Tarka was 3 years old when his family was brought to Israel via Sudan in Operation Moses. He has now opened an art gallery at Shabazi 58 in Tel Aviv. His abstract art sells for thousands of dollars to … Continue reading

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