Monthly Archives: August 2024

Sick Israeli children holiday in the Catskills

28 Israeli children with serious diseases were taken to Camp Simcha, the Chai Lifeline Jewish summer camp in the Catskills for children with life-threatening or debilitating ailments. The infirmary is staffed by eight nurses, several doctors, and specialists.

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More French immigrants arrive

As Grande Synagogue of Paris Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag declared, “There is no future for Jews in France.” another plane-load of French Jews arrived in Israel to begin new lives.

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Jerusalem’s 3000-year-old moat discovered

Israeli archaeologists in the City of David have uncovered a 70-meters ancient fortification moat that once protected Jerusalem during the Kingdom of Judah nearly 3,000 years ago. This moat formed a massive channel that separated the City of David from … Continue reading

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Jerusalem is busy

Despite the war, much has been happening in Israel’s capital. Huge crowds at the Western Wall, especially on the 9th of Av; new roads being built; the annual Yom Iyun Bible study; Knesset committees; Indigenous Peoples Day; National Library children’s … Continue reading

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Brothers saved thousands

On Oct 7, South African brothers Keith and Brett Isaacson risked their lives to protect Gaza border communities. Brett, defended the Mivtahim Junction, the main access point to 7 moshavim. Keith, head of security for 32 Eshkol region communities, blocked … Continue reading

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2,000 BGU student hospital volunteers

More than 2,000 medical, nursing, and social work students from Ben-Gurion University volunteered in hospitals throughout Israel in the days immediately Oct 7. They provided medical and psychological assistance to the thousands of injured Israelis and their families.

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Survivor rates

IDF medics are measured by the metric CFR (case fatality rate) – the percentage of wounded soldiers evacuated from the battlefield whom they failed to save. In the Second Lebanon War in 2006, the CFR stood at 15%. In the … Continue reading

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The most moral army in history

The High Level Internatiotional Military Group comprises former NATO chiefs of staff, generals, senior officers, political leaders and officials. Its July 2024 analysis of the IDF’s war against Hamas was sent to the International Criminal Court. It praises the IDF’s … Continue reading

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