Monthly Archives: May 2024

Remote diagnostics at 2,500+ US schools

Israel’s TytoCare (see here previously) now provides remote care support at clinics in more than 2,500 schools in 31 US states. Recent arrangements include schools in Guilford County, N.C., Title-1 schools across Virginia, and schools in Edmonson County, Kentucky.

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US approval for spinal fusion

Israel’s Zygofix (see here previously) has received US-FDA approval for its zLOCK Lumbar Facet Fixation System.  Zygofix’s already has European CE certification for its adaptable implant, and says it is now positioned to revolutionize spinal fusion surgery.

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Helping recovery from strokes

Israel’s BrainQ (see here previously) reported promising results from a 15-center clinical trial that uses an AI-powered electromagnetic field therapy to help reduce disabilities in people after suffering a severe ischemic stroke.

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Causing brain cancer cells to burn out

Prof Barak Rotblat of Israel’s Ben-Gurion University is making brain cancer cells self-destruct by increasing their growth rate while shutting down their glucose energy source. He is working with BGN Technologies to block 4EBP1, a protein that regulates cancer to … Continue reading

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Alpha DaRT treats its first liver cancer patient

The Alpha DaRT innovative alpha-radiation cancer therapy from Israel’s Alpha Tau (see here previously) has been used to treat a liver cancer patient in a Canadian clinical trial. The trial will include up to 10 patients with liver metastases (secondary … Continue reading

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Ancient menorah carvings found in Arab village

IDF soldiers have discovered Talmudic-era menorahs engraved on the doorway of a home in the (now) Arab village of Kafr Si’ir, near Hebron. The village’s 2,000-year-old fort dates to when the town was Jewish during Talmudic times. Note the shape … Continue reading

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Crowdfunding help for needy Israelis

Ten Gav is an Israel based charity matching donors with needy Israeli families.  All requests come from social workers around Israel seeking assistance for their clients.  The need is posted on 100% of any donation goes to the needy … Continue reading

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Latest JNF volunteering opportunities

This site lists the dates of upcoming JNF missions to support Israeli evacuees, pick crops, repair kibbutz buildings, and meet soldiers, survivors, and influential figures.

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We will dance again

American singer and influencer Montana Tucker attended the ‘NOVA’ dance tribute at Kibbutz Re’im in memory of the Oct 7 victims. She said, “Israel will dance again.” And in Tel Aviv’s hostage square, “I’ve sung Hatikvah many times but never … Continue reading

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IDF heroes speak to the world

The Jewish Agency for Israel organized a group of 90 IDF soldiers that fought on the southern and northern fronts to participate in Israel’s Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) and Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut) ceremonies across the globe so they could … Continue reading

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