Monthly Archives: June 2016

Monitoring cancer in the genes

Israel’s NovellusDx monitors the effect of cancer therapies on a patient’s genetic mutations.  NovellusDx reports to the oncologist on the contribution of the driver mutations to the activation of the signaling pathways.  NovellusDx has just received $2.5 million funds from … Continue reading

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Help for patients and care-givers

Israeli Marni Mandell launched the startup CareHood to provide patients and care-givers with a website where they can learn what has helped other people in similar situations. They can then build a care package of services, gifts, tasks and errands … Continue reading

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The science of daydreaming

Scientists at Bar-Ilan University have used low-level electricity to increase the rate at which daydreams – or spontaneous, self-directed thoughts and associations – occur.  They also discovered that daydreams have a positive effect on task performance.

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Skin stickers to monitor activity

A new medical innovation, developed at Tel Aviv University’s Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, uses ‘stick it and forget it’ electrodes affixed to the skin, to monitor muscle activity.  Applications include monitoring driver alertness and individuals with neuro-degenerative diseases. … Continue reading

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Canada approves tremor treatment

Canada’s federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, Health Canada, has approved the Exablate Neuro system for the treatment of essential tremor developed by Israel’s Insightec.

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US approves CT radiation safety system

The SafeCT-29 solution from Israel’s Medic Vision Imaging Solutions produces high-quality medical scan images but reduces radiation doses by up to 80%.  SafeCT-29 works with any CT scanner and has just been approved by the US FDA.

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Good trials of colon X-ray capsule

I reported about Israel’s Check-cap previously (Feb 2012) that requires no prior preparation or hospital visit.  After 4 years, trials on 54 participants of its ingestible and disposable low-dose 3D imaging capsule proved safe and well tolerated and detected small … Continue reading

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Busking for blind Arab’s medicine money

Two religious Jewish boys in Jerusalem heard a blind Arab man say he didn’t have enough money to buy his medicine.  So they played their guitars and raised the required 70 shekels.  They then went to the pharmacy and bought … Continue reading

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NY’s umbrella parade celebrates Israel

If you missed New York’s latest annual parade on Jerusalem Day to celebrate Israel’s 68th birthday, here is a 3-hour video featuring some of the thousands of participants in the event.

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Swing for life

Israeli cancer charity Ezer Mizion hosted its annual Golf and Tennis Tournament to benefit its International Bone Marrow Registry.  The attendees met Josh, who thanked Ezer Mizion for enabling his two young children to grow up with a father.  Josh … Continue reading

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