Monthly Archives: June 2016

Israel’s benefit to Massachusetts’ economy

In 2012 Israel-founded companies contributed $6 billion in direct revenue and over 6,600 jobs in Massachusetts (see here).  For 2015 the figures are $9.3 billion and nearly 9,000 jobs. Israeli companies directly generate nearly 4% of the State’s GDP.

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Special Israeli delegation at the UN

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon invited a delegation from the Special in Uniform (SIU) initiative to the U.N. to share their stories about how people with disabilities can contribute to society and to a nation.

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Hatikva rings out at Antwerp Cathedral

The Belgium city of Antwerp greeted Israeli President Reuven Rivlin with the Israeli national anthem played on the bells of the city cathedral.

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Israel gets recognition at last

My criticism of the BBC last week, for ignoring the Israeli source of life-saving melanoma treatment, was picked up by Israel National News (see here).  But more importantly, it looks like the BBC has also taken notice.  This week, the … Continue reading

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Eritrean refugees praise Israel’s democracy

Hundreds of Eritrean asylum-seekers marched in Tel Aviv in support of a UN probe into the African state’s regime, considered one of the world’s most repressive.  One typical demonstrator said, “for a march like this one we would already be … Continue reading

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Israeli youth village fosters Jewish-Christian bonds

The Ahava Village in Kiryat Bialik near Haifa, treats over 250 at-risk child residents in 15 family units.  Ahava receives funds from the many Jewish and Christian supporters of Bnai Zion Foundation, a century-old Jewish organization that funds Israeli humanitarian … Continue reading

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Dogs visit Knesset on Blind Day

Dogs training to be guides for the blind visited the Knesset Tuesday, in honor of Israel’s sixth annual “Blind Day.”  The Israeli parliament voted to introduce fines for (a) refusing to admit a blind person with a guide dog or … Continue reading

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Mekonen’s story

The film “Mekonen: The Journey of an African Jew,” (see Nov 2015 newsletter) has just been released.  Mekonen Abebe is a young Ethiopian shepherd who overcame financial and familial hardships to realize his dream of becoming an officer in the … Continue reading

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SACH saves its 4,000th child

4-year-old Sanusey was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. The surgery needed to repair his heart is not available in Gambia. Sanusey is now recovering from open heart surgery at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel. He is the … Continue reading

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Making any fabric antibacterial

I reported on Israel’s Nano Textile previously (Feb 2015) when it announced its antibacterial Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nano-coating for bed linen and clothing to prevent hospital infections.  Nano Textile has now announced that it can make any fabric (natural or … Continue reading

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