Monthly Archives: June 2016

Israel is 30th member of European IBD federation

Israel has become the first country outside Europe to be accepted as a full member of the European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA).  The EFCCA advances legislation to benefit patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

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World Bank seeks Israeli edtech advice

The World Bank has just completed a mission to Israel’s ORT and its network of 200 Israeli Sci-Tech Schools – to seek advice on how to improve STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education.

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Increasing Israel-Ethiopia cooperation

Trade and political links between Israel and Ethiopia have been improving steadily recently.  Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister will lead a high-level delegation to Israel in June and Israel’s Prime Minister will visit Ethiopia in July.

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A better crop for Ethiopian farmers

Here is another feature (also Jan 2016) about Israeli NGO Fair Planet which is giving Ethiopian farmers access to high-quality seeds and training.  With the best seeds for the climate and soil, a farmer can increase his yield by five … Continue reading

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Israeli food aid for Syria

Israeli produced food aid has reached the frontlines in Syria’s civil war.  Chairman of the Free Qunietra Provincial Council, Fahad a-Musa, said “since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, we have been unable to get our wounded to any Arab … Continue reading

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Beach wheelchairs now available

I reported previously (Sep 2015) that Netanya beach had a special day when disabled were able to enter the sea using special wheelchairs.  Now Michmoret’s banana beach (a few miles north of Netanya) has wheelchairs available to hire that disabled … Continue reading

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Disabled welcomed at Tower of David

The Tower of David Museum in Jerusalem ran programs in the Purim and Passover holidays exclusively for families with children with disabilities.  The museum closed to the public and ran art projects, games, puppet shows and imaginative play for the … Continue reading

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UK NHS funds melanoma treatment using Israeli discovery

The BBC has just reported that the UK’s National Health Service has approved the funding of patients receiving the pioneering melanoma (skin cancer) treatment developed by Israeli Professor Jacob Schachter. The approval was one of the fastest in NHS history.  … Continue reading

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What will they print next?

I reported previously (Jun 5) about Israeli research into bio-ink that could potentially print human organs.  Now two Israeli companies, Nano Dimension and Accelta have successfully lab-tested a proof-of-concept 3D bio-printer.  It may even be able to print stem cells! … Continue reading

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75% reduction in added surgery

Surgeons at Mercy Medical Center at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have reported that MarginProbe from Israel’s Dune Medical has reduced the number of repeat breast-cancer operations by 75%.  MarginProbe checks accurately that all cancerous tissue has been removed first time.

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