Probiotics inside

Israel’s Wonder Veggies has found a way to make fruit and vegetables even healthier. They have developed a spray that infuses fresh produce with probiotics. The process protects the probiotics from stomach acids until they are released inside the microbiome of the intestines to generate “good bacteria”.

Quantum vortices when photons collide

This article is included to show the fundamental science being researched by Israelis at the Weizmann Institute. They have discovered a new type of vortex formed when photons collide. It could open important new avenues in the application of quantum computing.

Make your video speak

Israel’s Artlist (see previously) provides high quality, royalty-free licensed music, stock video clips and sound effects for digital professionals. It has launched an AI voiceover generator for video makers, making external voiceovers unnecessary, while enhancing content creation and storytelling.

New toolkit to make websites more accessible

Israel’s User1st (see previously) has launched its U1 toolkit to help companies make their websites and apps accessible for people with disabilities. It saves over 80% of time and resources by automated scanning, fixing and suggestions on repairing complex issues.

Unmanned electric cargo plane is unveiled

Israel’s AIR has unveiled its new unmanned AIR ONE Cargo electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. It can carry a payload of up to 250kg at speeds comparable to its manned passenger version (see previously).

Lower sugar fruit sorbets

Israel’s Better Juice (see previously) has created sorbets with 50% – 70% less sugar than regular sorbet. Their calorific value is reduced by 40% and have a lower glycemic index.  Other products such as ice cream, jams, and fruit roll-ups, are also in the pipeline.

Cracking the code – a better egg without the chicken

Brilliant article about Israel’s Eggmented Reality (see previously). It describes why its vegan egg-alternative is better than its competitors. It then said that US-FDA approval and partnerships with food companies is a “kind of chicken and egg situation”! It cracked me up!

A remote chauffeur

Israel’s Ottopia (see previously) has certainly accelerated since last featured in this newsletter. Watch the video to see how Ottopia’s Advanced Tele-Driver Assistance System (ATAS) can find parking, drop-off, pick-up, or be a chauffeur. Clients include Deutsche Telekom, Hyundai and Nvidia.

To fertilize or not

Croptune from Israel’s Agriot can determine the nitrogen content in a plant from an image and judge how much nitrogen-rich fertilizer it needs. The farmer downloads the Croptune Apple / Android app; enters the crop type & location; takes photos and reads the analysis. Saves costs and the environment.

A quantum alliance

Israel’s Classiq (see previously) has partnered with Hewlett Packard. Classiq’s synthesis engine uses HP’s Cray supercomputer to synthesize Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) circuits.  And no, I have absolutely no idea why that is important to quantum computing, but it is!