Recovery from strokes
Israel’s BioXtreme has developed the deXtreme rehabilitation robot device for improving of motor recovery of upper limbs for stroke patients. And doctors in 30 countries use Tigertriever, from Israel’s Rapid Medical (see previously) to respond in real time during thrombectomy procedures.
Ariel’s first medical graduates
Israel’s Ariel University celebrated the first class of graduates from its 2019-founded Adelson School of Medicine. 53 students (including 40 women) were awarded their “Doctor of Medicine.” degrees in a ceremony attended by Israeli President Herzog and philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson.
Personal park guide for the visually impaired
The audio orientation and guiding system Israel’s RightHear (see previously) has now been installed at 2,500+ global locations from Angola to the UAE. In August, Natural Bridge State Park in Virginia became the first US state park to offer the digital accessibility solution.
500 successful transplants
The partnership between the Gift of Life Marrow Registry and Taglit-Birthright Israel has just celebrated its 500th successful transplant of blood stem cell and bone marrow from Birthright donors to patients. They have saved hundreds of sufferers with leukemia, lymphoma and immune disorders.
Reducing phantom pain
Israel’s 6Degrees (see previously) is now using its MyMove virtual reality games to enable dozens of new war amputees to have independent physical therapy sessions while decreasing their phantom pain and dependence on pain medications. “Exercising” an amputated limb helps blood flow.
Life-saving blood cancer analysis
Israel’s Scopio Labs (see previously) has launched its groundbreaking Full-Field Bone Marrow Aspirate™ (FF-BMA) Application for effective, digital imaging and AI analysis of blood cells. It replaces previous slow, manual, expert-only, error-prone, analysis methods.
AI alerts of an impending stroke
More about Israel’s Avertto (see previously) that has developed the first medical device with an AI alert of an impending stroke based on biological mimicry. Avertto cites studies indicating that 80% of strokes are preventable.
Bacteria vs virus test trial successful
Israel’s MeMed (see previously) successfully completed the first clinical trial of its BV test to differentiate between bacterial and viral infections. The test on 260 patients with suspected lower respiratory tract infection resulted in a 62% relative reduction in unnecessary antibiotics.
A new path to treating cancer
Researchers at Tel Aviv University a significant portion of cancer cells are “aneuploid” – i.e. have an abnormal number of chromosomes. It means they are more sensitive to certain anti-cancer treatments. Patients with that type of cancer could respond to these individually targeted treatments.
Rejuvenate skin with your own cells
Israel’s Ananda Labs is developing an organic treatment that improves skin elasticity, diminishing wrinkles and scars. Using technology of Hebrew University Prof. Yossi Buganim, Ananda genetically reprograms skin cells into placental stem cells, up to 50% younger than the adult originals.